Saturday, December 1, 2012

Testing The Final Exterior Parts

Amber is narrowing down her final color choices. We painted the shutters and planter boxes and installed them to get a good look at the color scheme. The front door was prefit before painting. We wanted to install the operable windows today, but had an issue with some of the lumber twisting in the frames. They will be replaced with new frames.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Drive By View

This view will really look good when the rock chimney is on top.

Adult End

Watch This Door For An "Extreme Makeover".

Trying Some Paint Colors

The siding has it's final coat of paint on it. We're looking at color choices for the trim and shutters. Next we will build and install the front door, all windows, and the shutters.

Outside is all trimmed

For a little house, it sure has a bunch of pieces.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Ready To Ship

Under this wrap is "The Pirate Princess Beach House".

We have all of the panels ready to deliver to Amber's house. We were going to install the foundation Saturday, but with the forecast, we are holding off until Monday. We don't want to get these parts wet until they are installed, shingled, and painted. The fun starts now! All of this will come together and be that little beach house that Amber, Brecken, and Emma have been dreaming about. We will haul as many pieces as possible on Monday, and set up the foundation. Check back for pics of this exciting day!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

I Love The Siding

The siding is a lot of work, but it really gives detail to this little house. Every piece (65 on the front) is ripped, milled at 5 degrees, rabbit cut on back side, 1/4 inch radius edge, and sanded. After priming is complete, these panels will be ready to move and install. Everything is under wrap because of the rain.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Time For Some Siding

Amber said ok to the facade. We will put on the siding, prime it twice, and take the panels over, assemble them, shingle the roof, paint the exterior, and start the interior finish. Amber has her decorations ready!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Amber Said Yes!

Amber likes the look. I started the front details today. There will be a few more details not seen in the drawing. I'm loving this weather, but it gets dark too soon. This is going to be a really cool building!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

"The Pirate Princess Beach House"

Amber and the kids have chosen the name for their new playhouse. "The Pirate Princess Beach House"
They have picked some really cool colors for the painting.

These drawings have been sent to Amber for her approval. Check back and see if this will be the facade on this little house.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

This Little Beach House Is Getting Heavy!

The sheathing is on the panels. It holds everything square. Next is the siding. It is the most intricate part of the project, but it separates this little house from the rest. Seeing the house on the ground is not as exciting as in the air, but this will get it to "Little Elm" where we can install it!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Ready To Start Millwork

After assembling the structure to make sure everything was a good  fit, I broke it down into panels that will get sheathing installed on them. Now the fun starts! Everything will be handmade. The siding will be 3 1/2 inch wedge. The windows will be wooden, and operable. Everything will be oil primed first, acrylic primed, and then two topcoats of Sherwin Williams Emerald. We want this little house to be as durable as possible. Check back now and then to see our millwork progress.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Last Day Of Framing

One more day to get this little house framed! One more trip to Lowe's for the framing! It got a little windy in East Texas tonight, so I put braces on it. Since this is a beach house, I played Beach Boys today. Daisey thinks this is her new pad, but I told her she could not afford it. Kokomo does not care, she just wants her groceries at sundown!